Friday, May 7, 2010

Coming to Terms...

i die for this duckling.
This blog is decidedly going to be about me now. And that does not mean enslaving myself to recording weight loss attempts... makes me avoid it like the plague. I will update major milestones but for now I just want to post things that are fun... girly things, travel stuff, fashion stuff and teaching stuff. I want this blog to be a jumble of my recommendations for every person and my ideas for things. I feel happy about this. Here is my start-

I love art, I've been moved to tears by a painting.
I am not sure I like the East Coast very much, people are so different.
I miss the South even though I've only been twice.
I am not arrogant, but I know I am very smart.
I am highly opinionated.
I value people over everything else.
I live for new experiences and travel is my greatest joy.
My goals in life are really really big... but I'm excited to say that I'm on the right path. This is NOT a blog about a girl with big dreams who never goes out and achieves them.
I am in love with my boyfriend in a wonderful and comfortable way.
I would not have believed you a few years ago if you had told me I would be getting a masters at 23 and at an Ivy League school.
Life can change so fast. I've learned to be prepared.
I love vintage and have had an obsession with antiques since childhood. It is my dream to someday have a house that combines modern and antique. I think it makes a whimsical aesthetic.
I love animals of all sorts but have a special affinity for these (especially babies)- gorillas, ducks, dogs, bears and meerkats. I also love my domestic feline Stephen. The San Diego Zoo is paradise.
I would love for you to read my blog and cheer me on. :)

This is the funniest picture I've ever seen. He was begging a zoo keeper for jelly treats.
and this one...
and of course baby Frank...

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