So here is the dealio folks (or just me I guess). I have become some what of a *ahem* lazy slob. Back in LA when I worked full time for a politician I was always on the go. This resulted in a few things, good and bad: I had a regular schedule and was up early and did things pretty much all day. This often meant a good gym trip before going home and a good nights rest.
Well dears my world has essentially fallen over... or east. I live in NYC now for school and it all happened very fast. I was "let go" (whatEV, I was totally fired because I was white. E-mail me for THAT fun story) from my job and about two weeks later was admitted to Spring semester school. I had about three weeks to pack my stuff, celebrate Christmas in Oregon, return to LA, apply for loans ETC. Somehow I did it. I guess I truly was converted into a worker.
Anyhow... since arriving I only have three classes that happen once a week for two hours. I don't have a job because I collect unemployment and have loan money and a live in a FABULOUS one bedroom apartment which persuades me to never leave WAY too much.
Well I need to get my ass in gear. I have put on some pounds which a really hate... since I started dating my boyfriend he has been egging me on the food train and I need to just stop. I don't fitnesize anymore because I miss 24hr fitness.
I don't necessarily eat greasy icky things but I have become an incessant snacker. Strange for me but I guess here we are. And once it starts... oh boy.
Here is what I resolve to do before the beginning of next Fall (holla summer school)
1. Excercise WAY more. I am hopeful spring starts soon so I can take more advantage of wonderful Central Park, my favorite NYC destination. Also go to the cheesy school gym and use some of the work out DVD's I bought that sit on my shelf. I am interested in trying some of the Netflix stuff too.
2. Cut out red meat. So cliche I know but I need to focus on fruits and veggies right now. We miss each other.
3. Cut out sweets aside from the following forgivable indulgences- sorbet, merengue (sp?), fruit with fat free whipped topping and fat free gummy treats if I really have a craving... I don't really crave candy though. Mostly ice cream.
4. Stop buying so much snack crap for the house and buy more carrots, celery and fruit which means a DREADED trip to Trader Joe's. I hate that its dreaded but the Trader Joe's in Manhattan is RI-DI-CU-LOUS. That line winds all the way around the store. I digress.
5. Get up umm, before noon? So my day isn't rush to finish homework, shower, eat and class. Or my day isn't just totally wasted lazing out. Let's say 10am. Not super early but I'm not a morning person.
6. Pace my homework so I'm not rushing to finish it all and leaving out readings and not putting my all into assignments. Right now I am doing well be I have a LOT of assignments left to turn in and I want to kick IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL BUTT.
7. I want to do my all natural facial remedy again.. if I ever get a good readership I will share it. It is AMAZING. I got it from my BFF who got it from her beautiful ageless g-ma who clipped it out of a newspaper like 40 years ago. Cool.
8. With my school ID I can get into almost every museum in NYC FOR FREE. I haven't been to ONE. I WILL see them all before I leave this place.
I will be accountable to THIS BLOG if nothing else. Lord knows my boyfriend loves his Mcdonalds.