Friday, March 12, 2010

Here is what I did yesterday... (go me)

So I'm finally in sunny LA for break but it wasn't without an adventure.

Yesterday I spend two hours getting to JFK via Subway to avoid the $50 taxi ride.

A crazy lady started smoking pot on an express leg of the trip on the train car. Can you say angry subway riders? Yeah, thats big time taboo people. There was a cop waiting RIGHT OUTSIDE THE DOOR of our car to take her away. Big scene.

I get to the airport and let me just say JFK is big and stupid. I accidentally went to the United 1k, first class check-in cause they are in different areas. The lady was kind (of) enough to let me check in there for my flight to LA via Washington Dulles that was going to land at 1am.

She tells me the leg to Washington is cancelled and I need to go to the regular people counter because she simply cannot help me there.

I go to the counter and talk to Oxana and guess what I did? I Thats right. I was supposed to be at La Guardia which is NOT close and is MUCH closer to my apartment.

Oxana was an Angel and said "We have a flight to LA non-stop that lands at 9:23 and leaves in an hour (instead of the two my other flight left in) would you like to take it?


So basically I got in way early and was able to eat amazing mexican food with my friend Crystal

More to come.

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